Our Staff
Our Board of Directors
Doug Blair, Board Chair
Doug founded Bluewater Baptist in Sarnia and served as lead pastor for over 35 years. He is a graduate of the Dallas Seminary and continues to provide leadership on numerous national boards. His wife, Detra, served as Executive Director of the pregnancy care centre in Sarnia for many years, acquainting him with the importance of this work.
Terry Hall, Vice-Chair
Terry has a strong belief in the sanctity of life and family. This passion, coupled with an extensive business and management background in the technology industry, enhances the operational and financial strength of Pregnancy Care Canada.
Michele Dawson, Secretary
Michele brings over twenty years of experience as a registered nurse and volunteer leader. As an RN, she specialized in newborn health, concentrating on intensive care of premature infants and their families. She also has a leadership degree and experience working within the healthcare system of four provinces in Canada.
Andrea Wingfield, Treasurer
Andrea comes from an insurance background and has worked in the ministry insurance field for over a decade. She became involved with PCC through her insurance career and values the work PCC does to protect the sanctity of life and care for women across Canada.
Heather Tapp, Director
Heather serves as Executive Director of the Belleville Pregnancy and Family Care Centre. She has helped establish two satellite pregnancy care centres: the Anchor of Hope in Madoc, ON, and the Pregnancy & Family Care of Quinte West in Trenton, ON.
Brian Norton, Director
Brian is a co-founder of Pregnancy Care Canada and has served as Executive Director of the Christian Advocacy Society (CAS) of Greater Vancouver. The CAS charity governs two pregnancy care centres, a residential shelter for abused women, a sexual assault recovery consortium, and OnlineCare Canada.
Norma Cody, Director
Norma is the Executive Director of the Christian Advocacy Society in Vancouver, BC. For 16 years, Norma has worked as a pastoral counsellor, assisting women with crisis or short-term counselling needs related to an unexpected pregnancy, and with post abortion grief recovery, both in Canada and internationally. Norma holds a Master of Arts in Counselling from Cornerstone University.