Occasionally we are asked about who we are, what we do, and what our affiliated centres do. We have listed some of these questions and answers below so you can get to know us better! The answers given refer exclusively to Pregnancy Care Canada and our affiliated pregnancy care centres.
You are also welcome to contact us if you have further questions or would like more information.
Currently, there are 81 PCC-affiliated pregnancy care centres.
Over the past twenty-six years (1997 – 2023)
→ 179,953 women and men accessed help at PCC-affiliated pregnancy centres.
→ 280,847 client visits for material supplies, such as diapers, formula, & clothing.
→ 22,038 clients helped through prenatal education.
→ 36,232 clients helped through parenting programs.
→ 11,595 women requested and received support after their abortion.
→ Tens of thousands assisted through phone calls, text messages, and online support.
If by pro-life you mean a shared belief that all human beings have intrinsic value, yes, we are. However, the terms pro-life, pro-choice, and anti-abortion have become politicized, polarizing, and confusing.
Pregnancy Care Canada and PCC-affiliated centres are pro-women and pro-information. We believe in giving value to and caring for both the woman and the unborn child. We do this through the provision of practical information and compassionate support.
Some women with an unexpected pregnancy feel like they have no other choice but to have an abortion. We don’t believe this is acceptable. Every woman deserves to understand all her options and also have access to alternatives to an unwanted abortion.
Our goal is to provide a safe place for women and men experiencing the challenge of an unexpected pregnancy to work through their unique pregnancy situation and empower them to make an informed decision.
No. Pregnancy care centres offer a safe environment for a woman to make a pregnancy decision that is fully informed, evidence-based, and free from external pressure. Centres respect a woman’s right to make her own decision and provide her with medically accurate information on all three options: abortion, adoption, and parenting.
Before receiving services at a pregnancy care centre, every client reads a Limitation of Services form, which clearly indicates that the centre does not provide or assist in arranging for abortions.
If a client chooses to pursue an abortion, the centre will not mislead or obstruct this decision. If a client requests help in obtaining an abortion, she is advised to consult her healthcare professional. She is also encouraged to return for post-abortion support, if desired.
PCC-affiliated centres do not provide or arrange for abortions; this is clearly stated before a client receives services. There are two reasons for this:
(1) We are faith-based, which does not prevent us from giving factual information about abortion, but due to our beliefs, we cannot assist in arranging for abortions;
(2) Some women seek support after an abortion, and centres want to be a safe place for women to work through any negative emotions they may experience after an abortion – if a centre was part of the abortion process, it may no longer be viewed as a safe place for a healing and recovery journey.
There are actually very few places that a woman with an unexpected pregnancy can go where she will be given accurate, neutral information on all three options and the time to talk and work through all the emotions and thoughts she may be experiencing. Many pregnancy care centre clients have shared that they didn’t understand what all their options were, what was involved with each option, and that they felt pressured by others to make a decision.
We believe that every individual in Canada challenged by an unexpected pregnancy should have access to accurate information, compassionate support, and a safe place to make a decision.
Yes. The primary resource used by PCC-affiliated centres is the Pregnancy Options Guide. For accuracy and accountability, 80 specialized practitioners in Canada have reviewed the Pregnancy Options Guide, including perinatal nurses, family physicians, obstetrician-gynaecologists, medical ethicists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers.
Pregnancy Care Canada and our affiliated centres identify as Christian organizations. For all support provided, we follow a permission-based approach. Whether sharing information about pregnancy options or having a spiritual discussion, we ask for permission first and let the client decide.
We acknowledge that every person has practical, emotional, and spiritual needs, so we provide holistic, comprehensive care to individuals dealing with an unexpected pregnancy. Comprehensive care may include helping with practical needs (such as material supports and education resources), providing emotional support (being a source of encouragement), as well as addressing the spiritual needs of an individual (offering to pray for someone).
Pregnancy Care Canada does not receive any government funding. We rely solely on the generous donations of individuals, churches, and private foundations.
No referrals are needed to receive care at PCC-affiliated centres, and all the core services are provided free of charge.
Most centre services include pregnancy tests, pregnancy options information, material supports, community referrals, post abortion support and education, and prenatal, parenting, and adoption support.
Post-abortion stress is not a myth. Pregnancy care centres respond to hundreds of women every year who voluntarily seek help for negative post-abortion emotions. Many women look for a safe place to speak about their feelings, and pregnancy care centres provide such a safe place.
Emotional responses to abortion vary. They may depend on a woman’s age, the stage of her pregnancy, religious or cultural beliefs, previous mental health, or whether others pressured her into having an abortion.
Each woman experiencing post-abortion stress is met respectfully and provided with the support she is seeking. The nature of support offered is client-led. Support may be one-on-one or in a group setting, providing her with an opportunity to speak about her feelings regarding her abortion experience. If a client requires help beyond the scope of expertise available at the pregnancy care centre, she is referred to a professional counsellor, physician, or community-based mental health service.
Pregnancy Care Canada is non-political and non-partisan. We focus specifically on the compassionate, respectful provision of information and support for individuals impacted by an unexpected pregnancy.
We believe it is essential for our affiliated pregnancy care centres to be a safe place for individuals challenged by an unexpected pregnancy or a prior abortion experience. Centre personnel are prohibited from engaging in any unauthorized political activities during the time they are working for the centre, or during the time they are otherwise serving the centre in a representative capacity. Centre personnel are not to engage in unauthorized political activities while they are working at the centre or serving the centre in a representative capacity.
Pregnancy Care Canada equips centre personnel by providing comprehensive training and professional development through up-to-date training manuals, online resources, webinars, mentorship, and in-person training.
All personnel working with clients learn accurate information about the options available to women facing a pregnancy decision: abortion, adoption, and parenting. The client care training also includes such topics as understanding the client (e.g., possible abuse, impoverishment, mental health, cross-cultural sensitivity), trauma-informed care, understanding crisis, pregnancy loss, and healthy relationships.
Once the client care training is completed, personnel also receive supervision, mentoring, and ongoing training to ensure they are competent in serving all clients with compassion and excellence. In addition, PCC-affiliated centres are equipped with policies and procedures to guide best-practice standards in client care.
Communities and individuals differ in the type of assistance they are looking for. To best support these unique needs, PCC offers five different levels of engagement.
1. General information and educational resources are available on our website. Check out the booklets available for download here.
2. Starting a pregnancy care centre. At this stage, individuals or groups connect to learn more about starting a pregnancy care centre in their community. Learn more here.
3. Registered centres have initiated the steps to establish a pregnancy care centre but are not yet providing client care. Upon signing an agreement with Pregnancy Care Canada’s core documents and registration fee payment, registered centres have access to coaching support, PCC communications, and an exclusive resource website.
4. Affiliated centres have established a pregnancy care centre and are providing client care. They have indicated agreement with PCC standards of affiliation, which include the agreement with PCC’s core documents. Affiliated centres have access to all PCC training (conferences, webinars, printed materials), centre leadership support, and PCC’s exclusive resource website.
5. Accredited centres have completed the PCC Next Level Centre Accreditation process and have provided objective evidence of operational excellence in twelve areas of foundational standards. Accredited centres are awarded a seal of accreditation and have access to all PCC training (conferences, webinars, printed materials), centre leadership support, and PCC’s exclusive resource website. Learn more here.
Some Pregnancy Care Canada affiliated centres offer specific health care services, provided in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and appropriate best practice standards. All healthcare professionals provide care within their scope of practice and receive authorization according to provincial regulations from relevant regulatory bodies.
Not all Pregnancy Care Canada affiliated centres offer health care services. If you have questions about the services provided at a particular pregnancy care centre, please contact the centre directly.
Pregnancy Care Canada and affiliated centres are committed to caring for every individual with the same compassionate support.
Every PCC-affiliated centre agrees to the following statement outlined in our Commitment of Care and Competence:
Clients are served without regard to race, colour, religion, creed, national origin, age, ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, lifestyle, or other arbitrary circumstances.
Yes, pregnancy care centres are legitimate charities. The Canada Revenue Agency states that:
Registered charities are charitable organizations, public foundations, or private foundations that are created and resident in Canada. They must use their resources for charitable activities and have charitable purposes that fall into one or more of the following categories: The relief of poverty, the advancement of education, the advancement of religion, or other purposes that benefit the community.[1]
PCC-affiliated pregnancy care centres serve within this charitable capacity as they compassionately care for the vulnerable. Centres use their resources for charitable activities, benefit the communities they serve, and add value to our society.
Over the past 26 years, PCC-affiliated centres have provided support for over 179,000 clients across Canada. The cumulative charitable and economic impact is significant.
[1]Canada Revenue Agency, Government of Canada. “What is the difference between a registered charity and a non-profit organization?” (Accessed October 2021).
Pregnancy Care Canada is committed to providing honest, medically accurate, permission-based information on all pregnancy options. Annually, each centre signs an affiliation agreement that reflects this shared commitment.
PCC leadership addresses any concerns regarding compliance with affiliation expectations and provides follow-up and training as required. Non-compliance with our standards would lead to disaffiliation.
No, Pregnancy Care Canada (PCC) does not have operational control over its affiliated centres. Each affiliate centre is an independent, self-governing non-profit that voluntarily joins our network. To become an affiliate, each centre agrees (annually) to the PCC Standards of Affiliation.