“Sometimes, really loving someone means letting go and doing what’s best for them. I chose adoption out of genuine love for my son.” Brittany
Adoption can be a loving choice if parenting isn’t right for you.
Adoptions can be public or private (please note: not all provinces allow private adoptions). Visit the Child and Youth Permanency Council of Canada for provincial regulations.
There are three private adoption options:
Open Adoption: Birthparent(s) have contact with adoptive parents, and the level of openness can extend to phone calls, texts, or visits.
Semi-open Adoption: Birthparent(s) have some contact with adoptive parents, but an adoption professional typically handles the communication.
Closed Adoption: Birthparent(s) have no contact, and only non-identifying information is shared with the adoptive family.
Common concerns or questions about adoption.
Find out more about adoption at a pregnancy care centre near you.