Hope is Contagious
March 2020
by Rebecca Peters
Our world has been turned upside down. As this “new normal” sets in, it’s been interesting to see what is no longer essential and what other needs still remain and are urgent. Our priority list has been rearranged. We’ve blinked and suddenly we’re seeing life in a new way – we are valuing the simple things we used to take for granted, like driving to work or meeting a friend for coffee. We’re realizing that although social distancing is required, social connection is still a real need.
In the midst of implementing and following the important health recommendations, we’re realizing that the support and information provided by pregnancy care centres are more important than ever.
During the coronavirus pandemic, pregnancy care centres are an essential service.
- Unexpected pregnancies are still happening. And we can’t help but wonder if there will in fact be a rise in unexpected pregnancies in the months to come.
- Fear and uncertainty are magnified in times of crisis. At this time, providing accurate information, compassionate support, and referrals to support are vital.
- For those who choose to parent, they need our support – emotionally and physically. Many do not have the means to buy or access material supports, such as diapers and formula.
Pregnancy care centres are looking for ways to continue to provide the support and information that women need. But many pregnancy care centres are facing their own crisis.
- How do they protect staff and volunteers but still provide client care?
- How do they continue to pay their bills, employ staff, and support clients when their fundraising events have been cancelled?
- How do they provide material supports when they can’t accept donated items?
We are working with pregnancy care centres for answers to these problems. Because we know that the information centres provide on pregnancy options and the connection they have with clients during this crisis is essential.
We can’t afford for centres to shut down – they may have to close their physical doors, but they must still be open and accessible virtually. We know this is possible if we all work together.
The needs are great – both for the woman with an unexpected pregnancy, and for the executive director who is trying to keep her centre “open” for those in need in her community.
We believe that in this time of great need, when fear and uncertainty are spreading, we can be a light and shine hope. Together we can provide the hope and help that people need!
We believe hope is contagious, and we’re committed to spreading it.
Will you join us? Will you help us spread hope?
Support your local pregnancy care centre. Reach out to the executive director and let her know that you recognize that they are an essential service, and you will stand with her. Let churches and others in your community know that there is help for anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy.
If you have any questions or need more information about how you can help, please contact us. We are working hard during this time. We are committed to working with you, for her.
To find a pregnancy care centre near you: https://pregnancycarecanada.ca/find-a-centre/
Connect with Pregnancy Care Canada: [email protected] or 1-866-845-2151
To help Pregnancy Care Canada: https://pregnancycarecanada.ca/ways-to-give/