The Grey Zone
August 30, 2019
by Rebecca Peters
What is the grey zone?
It’s a place of uncertainty. It’s hard to know which way to go, because it’s foggy and the paths are not clear. You know there are a number of choices, but you can’t see very far down each path. You listen for voices, direction, …anyone to help. You know you can’t stay in the grey zone for long, but you don’t know where to go. You feel stressed, panicked, and afraid. You know others are wandering here too, but you still feel so very alone.
The grey zone is where many women find themselves when they find out they have an unexpected pregnancy. Suddenly, their circumstances have radically changed, and they are thrust into the grey zone, and for many there is no clear path.
There are MANY women in the grey zone. We estimate that in Canada at least 472 women per day have an unexpected pregnancy.*
Who is there to help these women – how will they find their way?
What if there’s only one voice telling them what to do – and what if it’s not a wise or trustworthy one?
Or, what if there’s no voice – so they take the path that seems the easiest, but maybe it’s not the path they would have chosen, if only they knew more or had support?
Pregnancy care centres position themselves in the grey zone, because that’s where the need is.
Pregnancy care centres are a light. They aren’t there to block off a path, but rather to clearly illuminate each path – what does it involve, who will be there, where will it take you, what has been the experience of others on that path?
Pregnancy care centres are a voice. But not one that pressures or condemns or lies. They are a compassionate voice that offers accurate information and hope.
Pregnancy care centres are a tangible presence. Offering unconditional support, for as long as it’s needed. Pregnancy care centre staff and volunteers are there to walk alongside – a hand to hold, on the way out of the grey zone.
*Estimated annual birthrate in Canada is 383,000 (Stats Canada). Estimated percentage of unintended pregnancies per year is 45% (Guttmacher Institute).