Unplanned Pregnancy?

An unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming. Suddenly, your life is completely different, and it’s hard to know what to do and what’s right for you.
It’s important to know –
It’s normal to feel everything you’re feeling – the good and the bad feelings. It’s ok to feel sad that things won’t ever be quite the same, but that doesn’t mean your life can’t still be good.
You don’t have to make this decision alone. There are people who can help you – listen to what your fears and pressures are and give you accurate information on your options.
This pregnancy may change your future, but it doesn’t have to limit it.
Not ready to talk to someone yet?
You can watch videos to hear from other women who had unplanned pregnancies.
You can look through a pregnancy options guide for more information.
When you are ready to talk to someone – we’re here for you, ready to listen and help – just click on one of the 3 larger boxes below.