Remaining Steadfast in 2021
January 2021
by Dr. Laura Lewis
How do we prevent the winds of culture from blowing us off course?
2020 was a challenging year. It was full of tragedy, confusion, polarization, racial tension, the rise of cancel culture, heated intolerance, and much more. I often considered deleting social media and turning off my television to spare myself the biased, often fact-devoid content.
However, rather than complete avoidance, I have chosen to be mindful of the things I read, listen to, and watch. Instead, I focus on that which is good and noble. No one wins in a war of intolerance, cancelling, and intimidation.
When no one is good enough – no one is good enough.
This past year was a good reminder that we must guard our minds and build accountability into our words and deeds. We are not above slipping and being trapped in the fray of accusation and cancelling. But we know that is not who we are called to be or the course that is set for us.
Our team recently discussed which words best reflect the values of our work. After much thought and consideration, we chose six words. These are not random words but concepts representing how we approach our mission and consider our efforts.
As we head into 2021, the winds of chaos and distraction may be strong, but amid the storm, there are simple truths – core values – that we must reach for and hold firmly. They are the anchors that guard against drifting and the compass that helps us choose the direction and focus of our work.
Compassion. Respect. Hope. Faith. Integrity. Excellence.
These anchor our work, so the winds of culture do not take us off course. They also guide us as we look at the needs and opportunities before us in 2021.
As we focus on our purpose and mission, the adverse winds of a culture set adrift continue to swirl, but we are not caught up in them. Instead, we rest in the steadfast leadership of our Good Shepherd, who leaves the 99 for the one, and knows the way to still waters and green pastures.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. Philippians 4:8